Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6-28-10 "Burn 360"

Lots of good letters this week! Thanks to everyone who wrote me!
So this week got really interesting starting on monday night. My Zone Leaders called me, and after explaining what i would teach for District Meeting, they told me that Elder Lopez had transfers...but they wouldnt tell me why. Again I would be changing the fate of Elder Miliar, for I would be getting his companion and he would get mine. So on Tuesday Morning, Elder Lopez left, and Elder Perez came. I later found out that the Stake President called up the Zone Leaders and complained a little about my companion. President Clark called later that night and talked to my companion a bit, but I dont know what about. So Im here now with Elder Perez. I cant complain. Hes a great missionary. Hes from the same Generation as Elder Lopez but a completely different person. Sometimes in Lessons I just sit there and smile because I dont have to guide or teach this Elder anything. Hes an amazing teacher and he knows the doctrine. Hes also really funny and really outgoing. All the members and investigators that we have have all commented on the difference that Elder Perez has made. Even though I always try to be happy and smile to everyone, it was a lot of times, faked. Now, all the Members tell me, WOW Elder Ive never seen you so happy before. Im not saying that Lopez made me unhappy....but It just feels like a weight has been lifted. Now I can focus on being District Leader and not have to worry about my time away from my area. We also got a lot of work done this week.
The norms of the mission have gone up. Now to be Missionaries of Excellency, we need to do 210 contacts, 40 lessons, 4 baptismal dates, and 4 investigators for the first time in church, every week. Its definately more of a challenge, but its something thats helping me work more. For over a year, ive been able to reach the old norms, relatively easilly and kind of relax at the end of the week. But now, its tougher. I have to contact 70 more and teach 10 more lessons, so i have to work harder. Elder Perez was up to the challenge, and his excitement has really got me excited again. We had a very fun week, laughing and joking and finding new people. I cant lie, the area is still super tough, but Im having fun again. Thats something that I needed.
We are working hard with 1 family and a woman who just had a misconception. Gina, our recent convert, also had a misconception. So we think to use her and help teach this lady. The problem is, we havent found her since tuesday. On Saturday, we had a family home evening with 2 new investigators and with Gina, her mom, and her kids. We taught the restoration and then played a few games. The two investigators flat out said that they wouldnt go to church, but yesterday, waiting for other investigators outside, the woman who went to the family home evening walked by, and somehow I convinced her to go inside and stay for the Sacrament. But she was the only investigator we had at church. Kinda a bummer, but we are going to keep working hard. My district has baptized every sunday this transfer, which has helped the zone a bunch because we are all in hard times here in fresnillo. This week, we could see up to 4 baptisms, unfortunately none from me or my companion. But we hope to see a few for the 11th and the 18th. We are gonna work hard for that, to finish the transfer strong.
So thats life in the mission. Stress, knocking, and stress. Elder Harris, Linsday Campbell`s ex-boyfriend´s best friend, is still my zone leader and we get along well. He wants to know whats up with Lindsay, so he can let Corey know. Im sure you all remember Corey. The one that went to Lake Powell with us. Well Im here with HIS best friend.
Mom if you could send just a few pairs of socks, I think I can last until the end of the mission. Thanks!
Hope you all have a good week. Kimmy, I want you to bring Josh and Taylor to the airport. Thats my request. Thanks
Con amor, Elder Turley

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