Monday, April 13, 2009


Hello everyone. Another week down.
You were all so blessed to be able to go to conference. Our branch didnt have the budget so we have to wait until the District sends the videos. Unfortunately transfers are next Monday, and ive got a bad feeling that im heading out. I hope not, but its not my will. Its good to see though that ive earned the confidence of the ward, and I noticed today as we had an activity with the youth, that people turn to me for what to do. Im the junior companion but everyone asks me what we should do. It feels good to have earned that, but its kind of a bummer that ill have to go at some point and start over again. Thats just the way things are huh.
This week is known as the Semana Santa. Apparantly a bunch of Americans come to Parras during the week just to drink and be sinners. Its funny they do it the week of the death and resurrection of the Lord. Also some guys lose a bunch of wait and carry a cross all the way to the top of the mountain and hang on it like Jesus did. Its pretty nuts how gung ho they go for it here. The only problem is that they do it for the wrong reasons.
We have started talking with some Jehovas Witnesses. Its pretty fun and challenging at the same time. Its good though because im building my knowlege of the Bible a whole lot. The other day we sat down, and they assaulted us with scriptures to try to prove that Jesus wasnt Jehova, but we held our ground everytime. In the end I think they left surprised at how much we knew. They didnt want to set up another appointment, but thats because they knew they were wrong.
We are having some good success with a couple of the young men and we hope to get them ordained this Sunday. We will see what happens, but things are looking good in that aspect.
Also our investigator Ofelia is progressing really well. She has a strong desire to keep learning and can now say some really sincere prayers from the heart. Thats prolly my favorite thing in the mission, to teach someone how to pray and communicate with Heavenly Father. The first time she did it, she had no idea what she was doing. Now she can pray like a pro and its so fun to watch her grow and grow. That right there feels as good as a baptism. We also set a baptism date for her for the end of April. Eventhough I might not be there, im really excited for her.
Well thats all I got for you. I hope you all had a great week. I only heard from very few, so im not quite sure, but have another great week everyone. Aunt Leslie and Jonny are more faithful than everyone else except mom and kimmy.
Kimmy just kiss Joey this weekend. Ive always wanted to but never had the nerves and ive always regretted it.
Con amor, Elder Turley

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