Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hey everyone. Another quick week gone by. Only two more until Mothers day which is going to be awesome.

So right now we are really focusing in on Ofelia and her niece, Diana. They have progressed really rapidly. Of course the mission wouldnt be a challenge if we didnt have problems, so we found them this week. Apparantly Ofelia isnt married. Theyve been together 23 years but still havent sealed the deal. We are working out that one, but its gonna be a tough one to get settled. A lot of prayer and fasting should do the trick.
With Diana, we are planning on getting her baptized this next Sunday. Her mom says yes, but her dad says she needs to be really sure about it, so it kinda got her worried. The amazing thing is that she went to church without Ofelia on Sunday. Ofelia was sick when we went to píck them up, but Diana still went and stayed the whole three hours. After, when I asked her how it went, she said she loved it. Hopefully thats a good sign that we will go with the baptism this week, but who knows.
I almost ate it the other day just like dad. Theres this one street that people literally come out of there houses and stores to stare at us as we ride by. Its a down slope, so we can coast. Our new thing is to do really wierd stuff right in front of the people because there are literally at least 50 every time. One day, we had borrowed a guitar from one of the members and as we went down the slope I stood up on the bike and started playing and singing in front of everyone. It was so funny to watch them all stare at me like that. I took the turn at the bottom a little sloppy and ended up hitting a curb and ALMOST eating it. But it was definately worth it.

Well, thats it. Have a good week everyone and go swimming for me. Its extremely hot here.
Con amor, Elder Turley
P.S. Happy Birthday Bud. May 2nd, 1987

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